Our Platform

Designed from the
ground up

Accelerate and power your bespoke
Digital Asset roadmap.

Why use

our Platform?

Speed & Scale

Non-custodial, Direct Market Access (DMA) platform built on low latency infrastructure capable of scaling to meet the most demanding requirements.


Data secured using 256 bit encryption. Automatic circuit breakers and alerts on slippage and counterparty errors. User actions on platform logged and exported to external data warehouse.

Asset Reporting & Transactional Transparency

Trade and ledger reports directly from exchanges supplement trade records for reconciliation and auditing.  Global and user-level FX, withdrawal, deposit and trade fee configurability.

Rich-data on Demand

Live bid and ask price feeds, plus full depth of order books from supported exchanges.

Customizable & Flexible

Capabilities to white label & setup a custom domain with admin level customisable UI elements.

User Activity Transparency

Full audit tables of user activities to provide your business scalability with peace of mind. Hierarchical structure for management of users with customizable roles, transparency and access.

Partner & Counterparty Integration

Ability to parse statement PDFs, ingest Google Gsheets, and receive and process CSV data.

Asset Reporting & Notifications

Opt-in to SMS or Email notifications for trades, fiat/crypto withdrawals, and balances changes.



Full Feature Web App
Mobile App
Partner Whitelabel UI
Direct Client Integration

Secure API

Our Solutions

Portfolio Management

Treasury Management



Liquidity Provision

Algorithmic Trading

Collateralised Lending

Our Modules

Account Management

Exchange Trading

Digital Asset Transfer

Fiat Withdrawal


FX Planner

Exports & Auditing

User Management

Ticketing System

Performance Tracker

Remittance Management

Fee Management

Digital Asset Platform (DAPL)

Scalable, secure & low latency backend infrastructure.

Traditional Market Inputs

Digital Assets Inputs

Live Market Data
Bank Integrations
FX Data

Digital Assets Inputs

12+ Integrated Exchanges
Live Market Data
Blockchain Node Integration

"You can’t learn in school what the world is going to do next year."

Henry Ford

Benefits for

Our Clients

Benefits to Portfolio Managers

DMA Front Office to manage funds across multiple counterparties

Consolidated fund holdings

Real-time fund reporting and analytics

Hierarchical user management

Transparency and fully auditable

Benefits to Treasury Managers

Global payment rails at your fingertips.

Safe and secure

Automated management of your Digital Asset / Counterparty risk appetite with auto rebalancing

Direct non-custodial integration with exchanges ensures there are no human errors

Benefits to Fintechs

Focus on your USP

Scalable high speed platform

White labellable

Benefits to Remitters

Global payment rails at your fingertips

Fast, low cost

Customizable reports

“Effective" vs FX Spot Rate analysis

Proven algorithms providing mitigated exposure to volatility

Benefits to Banks

Institutional grade transparency

Reduced friction and risk with DA counterparties

Hierarchical access control and audit logs

White label or integrate into existing systems

Real-time reporting and analytics

Benefits to UNHW Investors & Traders

Take control of your digital asset portfolio

Self-custodial solution so just add your Exchanges' API keys

Access to yield strategies

Professional ticketting and support

Your secure non-custodial gateway into all major crypto exchanges  and enhanced by a suite of bespoke trading strategies, real-time and historical transaction and auditable transparency.


Our Services

Bespoke Features

Commission our engineers to seemlessly integrate, implement feature requests, or extend the platform to meet your requirements.

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Platform Integration

Core backend functionality exposed through secure API. Rebalance assets, place trades or query your client portfolio balances from your existing application.

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Discover Our


Portfolio Management

Introduce efficiency by letting Arrel Technology's proprietary algorithms automate your digital asset portfolio for you.

Treasury Management

Digital asset balance sheet visibility, management and control across all your corporate exchanges and custodians.


Leverage the digital asset ecosystem to instantly remit value globally with reduced fees.


Buy and sell at the best available prices on multiple exchanges with full traceability and auditability.

Liquidity Provision

High frequency, advanced taker / maker order strategies to help you source liquidity on demand.

Algorithmic Trading

Algorithms engineered to capitalise on market inefficiencies & maximise returns.

Collateralised Lending

Real time tracking and control of digital assets to allow you to deliver risk-mitigated collateralised products to market.

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